Somerset County Yard Waste Pickup & Disposal
Grand Sanitation makes yard waste pickup and disposal easy! Get started today with Yard Waste Decals from Grand Sanitation.
- Verify you are an existing garbage collection and trash removal customer.
- Fill out the form and request your decals now!
- Grand will charge your account $3.00 per decal requested (sold in packs of 5) plus $1 per order for processing and mail the decals to you.
- Apply the decals to any bag 40lbs or less. No specialty bags needed!
- Bags must be curbside with sticker clearly visible to the driver.
- We'll pickup 5 bags or less without calling automatically.
We offer yard waste pickup and disposal services in Somerset County New Jersey for our existing residential garbage collection and trash removal customers. If you're not already our happy customer, please request residential service BEFORE requesting yard waste decals or we will be unable to pickup your yard waste.
Keep Grand Sanitation in mind for all you Waste Collection & Disposal needs, we look forward to serving you!
Frequently Asked Questions
I have more than 5 bags of yard waste I need picked up, what do I do?
You can put out up to 5 bags of yard waste per trash pickup day, that's up to 10 bags and 400lbs a week! If you have larger needs, contact our office and we'll setup alternate options with you.
What if I need more than 25 decals?
We currently limit each request to 25 decals. You can submit multiple requests with the form or you can contact our office and we'll setup alternate options with you.
What bags can I use?
Any bag 40lbs or less will be picked up. No special bags are required!
What are my rights?
New Jersey law N.J.A.C. 7:26H-5.12 has clearly defined your rights. Read more about Customer Bill of Rights.